Privacy Policy Notice

Updated as of: 12/08/2024

Blueicon Ltd. (the “Company”) respects the privacy of its customers and the users of the website it operates (the “Users”). The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to detail, in general, the manner in which the Company operates in regard to the information, as such term is defined in the Privacy Protection Law, 5741-1981 (the “Privacy Protection Law”), which is being collected concerning you or concerning third parties you have provided (the “Privacy Policy”).

This Privacy Policy is part of the terms of use available on the Company’s website, which can be found at the following link: (the “Terms of Use” and the “Website,” respectively). Terms which are not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Terms of Use. The governing law and jurisdiction relevant to this Privacy Policy are as detailed in the Terms of Use.

The Company may, from time to time, update its Privacy Policy, and therefore it is recommended to check the Privacy Policy frequently for any changes made. Updates or changes in this Privacy Policy shall take effect immediately, and notice regarding the changes or updates shall be placed properly on the Website.

1. General

Through the use of the Website, the Company offers a curated collection of trending products sold online, related information, analysis related to such products, and any other services available on the Website (the “Services”).

In order to use the Services comfortably and efficiently, you may have to provide the Company with certain details concerning yourself. These include, among other things: your full name, your e-mail address, your phone number, and any additional personal information you may disclose to us when using the Services (collectively, the “Information”).

It is emphasized that the Company places great importance on keeping your privacy, and therefore the Company puts in efforts to properly protect the Information provided to it.

This Privacy Policy applies to the personally identifiable information provided by you, as well as information collected about you while browsing the Website.

The Company assumes no responsibility for the use of Information about you by third parties, including external websites, which appear on the Website and are not under the control of the Company. In case of doubt, you should review the privacy policy and terms of use of such third party or external website.

The User hereby declares that he/she is aware that he/she is not legally obliged to provide his/her details and that the aforementioned Information is provided of his/her own free will and consent. The User expressly agrees to the use of the above in the details he/she has filled out or presented to the Company and confirms that their use will not be considered an infringement of privacy and will not entitle the User to any relief or compensation.

Users who object to the use of their Information, who wish to remove themselves from the Company’s database, or who wish not to receive notifications and updates, shall notify the Company in writing through the Website or through the removal mechanism found in any mailing or by emailing, in which case the Company will, subject to applicable law and other internal requirements, remove such information from our database.

Subject to applicable law, the Company may use the Information for marketing purposes, including sending you marketing/advertisement materials through any lawfully permitted means of communication, including by direct mail, e-mail, or SMS messages, inter alia, based on data segmentation or your preferences, and those of other users, as recorded during the use of the Services.

2. Purpose of Data Collection

The disclosure of Information by you constitutes consent on your behalf that such Information and any data generated on the basis of analysis of such Information, which has reached or shall reach the Company, will be kept in one or more of the Company’s or anyone on its behalf’s databases, as required by law, and that such Information will be used in accordance with the following purposes:

To provide services for the Company’s customers;
For marketing, advertising, promotional purposes, and for contacting the User, including via direct mail, using any means of communication the Company deems appropriate, including for the distribution of newsletters for subscribed Users;
For the purpose of anonymous statistical analysis of the Information and its transfer to third parties.

3. Transfer to Third Parties

The Information concerning the User shall not be sold, leased, or delivered by the Company to any third party, except in accordance with the provisions of this section:

The Company shall be eligible to disclose any Information concerning you, in full or in part, to third parties, subject to the occurrence of one of the following conditions:

If the disclosure of the Information, or any part of it, to third parties who are parties to or are involved in the provision of the Services by the Company to its customers, provided that such disclosure is necessary for the performance of the Services. These third parties shall have no right to use this Information except for the purpose that the Company provided it for.

If the Company is required to do so by judicial order, by law, or according to any legal proceedings; If the Company finds that your actions regarding the Services violated any of the Terms of Use, or that the actions have been made for the purpose of fraud or deceit of some sort; If the Company organizes its activity under a different entity, including by way of a merger with another entity, whether such merger is at the corporate level or with regard to its activities. In such a case, the Company shall ensure that the third party to whom the Company is merged, accepts the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

The Users shall have no claim or demand towards the Company with regard to the transfer of Information to third parties as specified in this Section 3, and they hereby waive any such claim or demand.

4. Identifiers

When you use the Services, the Company tries to make that experience simple and useful. The Company uses industry-standard identifiers, such as cookies or other similar technologies. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that are stored on your device through a web server and sometimes track information about your use of the Website. Those small pieces are not computer software and do not have the ability to read the information contained in it, or to perform any sort of action regarding such information. Some cookies we use last only for the duration of your session using the Services and expire when you cease using the Services. Other cookies are used to remember you when you return to use the Services and will last for longer. We refer to cookies and equivalent technologies as "Identifiers."

By giving your consent to this Privacy Policy, you are hereby enabling the Company to store Cookies on your device, to use the information entailed in the Cookies, and to identify you with it.

Through Cookies, the Company may, in its discretion, advertise itself on different websites you choose to visit (“Third-Party Vendors”). During your use of these websites, information may be gathered concerning you, and the Company may use it as per the use mentioned above.

The Company is not in charge of operating the Third-Party Vendors’ websites or the content offered therein, as they are fully independent websites. Therefore, it is recommended to browse the Privacy Policy documents of each of the Third-Party Vendors’ websites.

If you choose to block Cookies while you are visiting websites, you can instruct your browser, by changing its settings, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. If you do not know how to do so, you can check the order of the process through the help tab of the browser you are using. However, if you choose to disable Cookies, some services or data regarding your preferences and internet browsing habits may not function properly, and this may influence the Website’s activity and availability.

The Company may use Identifiers to:

Remember that you have visited us before. This means we can identify the number of unique Users we have;
Customize elements of the promotional layout and/or content of the pages included in the Website;
Collect statistical information about the manner in which you use the Services (including the time you spend using the Website) so that we can improve the Services and learn which parts of the Services are most used by you;
Assist us in providing Services to your Account, for example analyzing data for the purposes of troubleshooting.

5. Linked Websites

It is possible that, while you use the Website, the Website may provide links and references to other websites and pages on the internet that are operated by Third Parties (“Linked Websites”), wherein you may, inter alia, accept or purchase various products and services. It is possible that these websites and pages will request that you register or provide various information. We have no knowledge, control, or liability with respect to what occurs on these Linked Websites. The provision of information and registration on these websites are not subject to our Website’s Privacy Policy, but rather, to the privacy policies of said Linked Websites, and to the provisions of the law. Browsing these Websites and pages, as well as any other actions taken with respect thereto, is done solely at your own liability and at the liability of the owners of said Linked Websites. You shall not have, and hereby waive in advance, any claim or demand against us or any of our representatives resulting from a loss, monetary loss, or direct or indirect damages stemming from your reliance on or use of content or information provided on these Linked Websites.

6. Log Data

Except for the Information you have provided the Company, we wish to clarify that during your use of the Website’s Services, the Company records statistical and cumulative data (“Log Data”) which cannot identify you personally and is not kept together with your personal details. Log Data may include information such as the Services you were interested in, web pages you have viewed, etc. The information gathered will be kept in the Company’s databases and use of it shall be made in accordance with this Privacy Policy, with the Terms of Use, and with any applicable law.

Any Log Data received from your device is documented automatically in its servers, including your IP address and the pages you have viewed online. By consenting to this Privacy Policy as detailed in this document, you agree to the aforementioned documentation.

7. Database

The data which has been gathered concerning you shall be kept in the Company’s database (the “Database”) and under its responsibility, according to the Privacy Protection Law and the regulations that were installed by its virtue.

Every person is entitled to browse the Information concerning him/her kept in the Database. A person who has browsed the Information concerning him/her and found it to be mistaken, incomplete, archaic, or unclear, is entitled to approach the Database owner with a request to correct the Information or to delete it. Such a request shall be referred to the Company through the following e-mail address:

8. Miscellaneous

Should the court determine that any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy are illegal or invalid, this shall not terminate the remaining provisions of this Privacy Policy or the remaining portions of such provision, as was terminated or limited by the court, that are still valid and enforceable.

Any delay on our part in demanding a right due to us, or failure to enforce a right due to us, under this Privacy Policy or by law, is solely ex gratia, and shall not serve as or be considered a waiver on our part of such right.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at:

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